Monday, July 12, 2010

Joey Diablo

this is the cartoon i worked on for several months. it was for this guy who wanted me and some friends to animate a cartoon based on his childhood. i did the character design and key frames. not a cartoon that i personally would have made, but the money helped.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

more practice

quick sketch portraits are hard. you dont really have a chance to make measurements. you have to eyeball everything.

little girl practice

i went my whole shift without selling a portrait that day because of the geniuses at disney that had our stand moved to no mans land. towards the end, and against co. policy, i decided to draw from a photo to get some practice in. i really wanted to draw this day so i went for it. decent.

another sold demo

i was trying to draw her profile for a demo and she was busy texting. i said fuck it and drew her looking down. once finished, we were all happy with the result and her boyfriend bought it.

big flippin star

freaky revelation

check this out! the top drawing is an airbrushed caricature i did at universal studios a few years back. the bottom is of a completely different kid i did recently as a portrait in pastel chalk. it might as well be the same kid. as you can imagine, i was pleasantly surprised when i caught this. dig.

profile of duder

i started doing portraits at downtown disney in march. this one's about two months into the job. im trying to do away with my cartoon tendencies.
we use pencil and pastel chalk.