Sunday, September 20, 2009

first joey diablo sketches

i drew these mild caricatures for a man looking to make a cartoon. its of himself and his brother as children. this pic got me the job as character designer for his "joey diablo" cartoon. they started out very accurate to the photos i was given but then realizing the nature of the story, i soon opted for a more simplified and traditional cartoon style.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


friend at work was drawing a nice detailed picture of bane smashing the batman symbol. very clean. so i challenged him with my signature slop style! slop! eat it! eat up the slop tony! markers.

candy wants her money!

a quick sketch i did of my co-worker at disney. she recently did a string of parties and theyve made her wait over a month to get paid! shes an awesome cartoonist. i fully endorse her.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

light horse

this is something i saw from a video game that looks awesome. at the moment, the name escapes me. i kinda rushed through this one but, i'm thinking of doing another one from a different snapshot of the same game. done with prismacolor art stix and marker